October 5, 2024

An examination of potential changes to Philadelphia’s offence in 2024.

On Monday, the Eagles formally declared Kellen Moore’s hiring. I had been watching a lot of Kellen Moore for the past three days, so I was extremely happy when it was formally revealed. I saw so many films that I’ll publish the snippets I took as a series of postings instead of one lengthy one. Each will concentrate on various facets of Kellen Moore’s ideology.
In the initial posts, I’ll concentrate on his actions; in the last post, I’ll examine the advantages and disadvantages of his ideology. Because of the Chargers’ poor run game, Moore was unable to run play-action passes as frequently as he had in the past.His offence has always included a lot of movement.
When he was with the Cowboys, he was willing to run into stacked boxes; however, with the Chargers, he stopped doing so.He doesn’t consistently rank extremely highly in any one category, indicating that his players have some influence over his ideology.In the last two years, his run game gap scheme numbers have increased compared to the previous two years.
His offences routinely score highly in no-huddle situations. It’s incredible that he placed sixth in the no-huddle success rate even from the previous season considering the lacklustre offence.
He took far more under-center runs.believe that a major, major component of Kellen Moore’s offence is his run game. Some of the things I’ve read regarding his seeming lack of a run game have left me rather shocked. It’s absurd. I believe that the success of his Cowboys run game is the primary distinction between their offence and that of the Chargers.
His run game differs greatly from the Eagles’ run game, which is incredibly intriguing. There are a lot of Shanahan inspirations in Kellen Moore’s run game. Under centre outside zone is the standard run play, something the Eagles haven’t done much of lately. This enables him to execute some play-action nude bootlegs as well as expand his offensive, which we shall.

What had I said regarding smashmouth? 22 players and a wide receiver who is about to block as well? Enroll me, please. The Eagles wanted the run game to revolve around the shotgun because it allows the quarterback to be a key component of any run play by reading the defensive end. As a result, they didn’t run a lot of under centre outside zone last season. Simply put, the Eagles did not flee from beneath centre. In terms of shotgun rate during the last three years, Kellen Moore’s offences rank 24th, 27th, and 22nd. The Eagles will need to adjust if they wish to run his offence since he wants to use under centre.

Now if you have read everything so far and worried about the Eagles’ run game drastically changing, I wouldn’t panic. It will change, I do not doubt that. But I think Kellen Moore has proved that he can fit into the Eagles’ current philosophy around running the ball as well. He ran a lot less gap scheme the past few years than the Eagles did, but I don’t think the Eagles are just going to stop running counter or QB counter bash anytime soon.

Regarding smashmouth, what was I saying? 22 people plus a wide receiver who is about to block? Enroll me in this. In order to focus their run game around the shotgun, which allows the quarterback to be a key component of every run play by reading the defensive end, the Eagles did not run a lot of under centre outside zone in the previous season. The Eagles simply didn’t make a break for under centre. The shotgun rate for Kellen Moore’s offences over the last three years is ranked 24, 27, and 22. If the Eagles wish to run his offence, they must adjust to his desire to use under centre.

Even though I’ve covered a lot in this post, I have to discuss motion in order to wrap up part 1. Right now, “motion” is a bit of a buzzword, and everyone takes it for granted that all motion is beneficial. That is simply untrue. However, it’s clear that motion can be a very useful weapon in the hands of an attacker. Simply said, the Eagles made very little use of motion in 2018. It has nothing to do with the offence. I called it a “token” move when they used it since it seemed like they were doing it merely for show. I couldn’t really see a use for it. For the last three years, Kellen Moore’s motion rate has placed her among the top 15.

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