March 20, 2025

Hello and welco… Uh sorry.. Let me start over! Hi there peopl… Uh.. I’m so sorry. Let me restart; Hi there young people and welcom…. ZzZz

Uh.. So sorry about that.. Are we in trouble now? I mean I can’t review this Mark Knopf… Sorry.. Let me focus and explain. I found Mark Knopfler on archive and his mus.. Oh man! Oh woman! .. So sorry about this.. Johan Nederpel warned me about this Knopfler by pulling a ‘not smiling face’ behind his name, yet I remained obnoxious, but now I know better.

Ah and thank goth, I managed To switch that sh#t off. It turned me into an epileptic state, fainting and knocking my head on the floor by falling nonstop asleep while attempting to hear this Mark Knopfler. I’m sure there are a lot of people finding joy in the music of Mark Knopfler but geez it’s so boring. Knopfler must be the most boring among all the Marks we have collected in this Mark weekend.

It’s like some country /western singer on a overdose of sleeping pills who tries to kill his listeners softly and gently by making them sleep until they end up dead. Or maybe that is just my opinion. Mark Knopfler isn’t the thing for me; I want to stay a little bit longer!

I want you to stay a little bit longer too. Just so we can get together and read the following poem written by Johan Nederpel when he heard of my disappointing experience of being for the first time in my life exposed to the music of Mark Knopfler.
Here it comes:

The writer of the previous poem assures us of not being drunk upon writing it!

Anyway if you like Mark Knopfler (I googled it and saw the Knopfler being a legend in his field, loved by many, hated by less) than here is a kinky link for you or your enemy:

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