March 17, 2025

Popular A homeless guy in Hull who was ‘enthusiastic’ about a new flat tragically died days before receiving the keys.
Despite his difficult circumstances, Adam Pregowski was well-known for his joyful and optimistic outlook.


Adam Pregowski back in 2019 after he vowed to change his life around with the help with Renew

A well-known Hull homeless man was sadly discovered dead only days before being given the keys to a new flat in an attempt to turn his life around.

On December 27, 2022, “helpful” and “enthusiastic” Adam Pregowski died in the now-closed homeless hostel William Booth House. Adam moved to Hull with his partner in 2017 from Wroclaw, Poland.

However, the relationship ended, and Adam found himself alone and without documentation, making it impossible for him to find work. By 2018, he was sleeping rough and using narcotics.

Despite his difficulties, Adam was a well-liked member of the community and a friend to many. His death startled many in Hull because he was known for his generosity and adored by those who befriended him.

Adam died at the age of 37, and an inquest was heard in Hull on Wednesday. According to the hearing, he died of cardiac failure caused by an infection in the lining of his heart. He also suffered a renal infection and pneumonia, both of which contributed to his death but were not the direct cause.

Toxicology results also found traces of amphetamines in his system. The use of such drugs can put added strain on the heart which the coroner also deemed a contributory factor.

Despite having no family in Hull, Adam became a popular and recognisable figure on the city’s streets. He had a lasting impression on those who reached out to help him.

A eulogy read at his funeral by Sue Wilson, of the Jubilee Church in the city centre, was also read into evidence at the inquest in which she revealed Adam was excited at receiving the keys to his new flat.

In it, Ms Wilson said: “Adam moved to Hull in 2017 with his girlfriend for work and to find a better life. When the relationship ended, Adam stayed in Hull but he had no documentation and nowhere to live. He stayed at friends’ homes and in hostels.

“Adam could not get any work without the right documents. He received help to find work and sort out his documentation and he was very grateful for this. He received help from the likes of Renew and Jubilee Church.

“But the death of a close friend was a harsh blow for Adam and he struggled emotionally. But he soon returned to his optimistic outlook. He was keen to get work and enjoy a better lifestyle.

“People have spoken about his cheerfulness, his smile, good nature and enthusiasm. I spoke to him just before Christmas and he was getting keys to a new flat which he was very excited about. Sadly, he never got those keys.”

Homeless Adam Pregowski was popular in Hull for his cheerful outlook on life

Around the time Adam died, it was understood he had been abstinent from drugs other than cannabis although there were suggestions he may have relapsed as he was looking thin and unwell at the time.

The inquest heard how a staff member went to check on the residents at William Booth House on the morning of December 27 last year. She knocked on Adam’s room but there was no answer. She entered and found him unresponsive on the bed.

She checked for a pulse but realised he had been dead for some. CCTV showed Adam was seen just after 5pm on Christmas Day leaving his room to go to the toilet. That was the last time he was seen before he was found.

Speaking to Hull Live previously, Adam said he’d overcome addiction and turned his life around with help from local charities Reaching Out To The Homeless and Renew after a breakdown following the death of his mother and the break-up with his long-term girlfriend.

He said that due to Brexit and a lack of valid identification following his passport’s expiration, he was prevented from gaining employment.

“I split with a woman and I lost everything,” he said in 2019. “I was homeless, I felt bad and I felt terrible all the time. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d done and what I was going to do.”

While the post-mortem concluded Adam’s death was due to natural causes, area coroner Lorraine Harris felt the part drugs played had to be acknowledged and so delivered a narrative conclusion.

“On the 27th of December 2022, Adam Pregowski, 37 years old, was discovered deceased at William Booth House, Hessle Road, Kingston upon Hull,” she ended. He died as a result of infective endocarditis, which caused congestive heart failure.

“Bilateral pneumonia, kidney issues caused by the infection and the amphetamine in his system which would have affected his compromised heart, contributed to his demise.”

Mrs Harris also recognized Adam’s positive influence on others, despite his own dire circumstances.

“During the investigation into Adam’s death, a number of people expressed genuine concern for him,” she stated. People from churches, support groups, and charities all wanted to help us with our queries.

“They all recognized Adam as a well-liked individual with a cheerful demeanor and a joy to be around.”

“It is commonly assumed that people without family have no friends, but this was not the case with Adam.” He had a lot of individuals that cared for him.”

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