March 20, 2025

This was the loudest gig I have attended in Croke Park and the compendium of classic cuts performed perfectly showcases why this rock band remains one of the most enduring in history

Kneecap at Electric Picnic 2024: A fearless, provocative and intelligent set full of conviction, energy and heartAll the more reason then to value the ones that are still around. AC/DC’s music is timeless; unfortunately the band members are not. The only original surviving member is lead guitarist Angus Young who is also the only indispensable member. He’s a year off being 70 and he still wears the schoolboy uniform, the collar-length snow-white hair peaking out from beneath the schoolboy’s cap.

Lead singer Brian Johnson is 76 and contorts his body to reach those high notes like a man trying to give birth to a basketball.The audience are, for the most part, young at heart, if not chronologically. Everybody present is defying the tyranny of time, and why not? Not this time around. Sin City and Riff Raff, from Powerage, the opener If You Want Blood from Highway to Hell and Shoot to Thrill and Have a Drink on Me from the Back in Black album are a reminder of that period from the late 1970s to 1980 when they produced a blue streak of albums without a bad song on them.

AC/DC Fans pictured at Croke Park: The audience are, for the most part, young at heart, if not chronologically. Photo: Tom Honan

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