September 20, 2024

Adolescence, trauma, and watch out for burnout Ivan Jokic

Aaron Gordon, Will Barton, Austin Rivers, Facundo Campazzo, and Nikola Jokic

Your starting five in the April 2022 Denver Nuggets vs. Golden State Warriors first-round series. All things considered, the five-game series was extremely tough, with the final three games coming down to wire calls. An impressive feat given that Demarcus Cousins, the bench’s erratic backup center, was there.

Taking everything into account, Nikola Jokic’s 2021–22 NBA season may be his most significant to date. It was an enormous responsibility to lead that Nuggets squad, and his performance was even more impressive. By his own determination, the Nuggets squad won 48 games. Jokic’s ability to elevate everyone around him, regardless of their skill level on paper, was evident in his mere ability to survive and lead that squad to a competitive position in the rankings.

Nikola Jokic | Denver Nuggets |

While everything that Jokic accomplished in 2022 earned him a (rightful) MVP nod, there is a warning that needs to be heeded by the Denver Nuggets. It is simple. Learn the lessons of 2022. Do not make Nikola Jokic carry your team as much as he did that fateful, pre-title season.

I’ve been accused by many for being an alarmist when it comes to the Nuggets approach to this season. Fair enough. I understand that perception and if that is how I come across it must mean something. While doing some soul searching I’ve wondered why I’ve had such a different take about this particular season than most Nuggets media members. The Nuggets just won their first NBA Title and started this season 8-1 (the team is 10-4 as of this writing) after all. In light of the most recently played two games, however, it dawned on me why I came into this season with some trepidation in regard to the Nuggets approach.

Nikola Jokic might be heading, 2022 style, into big time burn out. Not WEARING Jokic out, but mentally taxing him from having to carry the team again.

Hear me out before you protest what I’m saying! I have reasons for going there.

The signs were there pre-New Orleans Pelicans game. Jokic was a little shorter tempered and definitely a little more impatient on the court. Jokic played out of his mind against the Pelicans, though, posting a stat line that boggled even my cynical mind in a weird loss. These things have, in my view, fully manifested themselves in the Nuggets loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers and most clearly in their victory over the Detroit Pistons. Reminding me of Jokic in the 2022 season. Stressed, a bit cranky and definitely weary. We are only 14 games into the season folks. Getting tossed out after the Cleveland game spoke more volumes than anything.

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